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  • Books

    Essentials for Design: Macromedia Dreamweaver 8: Levels 1 (2006)

    Prentice Hall
    Table of Contents:
    PDF, 54 KB
    Sample Chapter:
    Chapter 1 (PDF, 6.7 MB)
    Student Files:
    From PrenHall.com


    Page 37, Step 5:
    downloading, not <downloading>
    Page 38, Step 7:
    experienced, not <experienced>
    Page 46, Step 8:
    CSS, not <CSS>
    Page 80, Step 6:
    Do not type the quotation marks surrounding </.
    Page 145, TEYK:
    The numeric HTML character codes are missing the #: &0174; should be &#0174; and &8482; should be &#8482;.

    Essentials for Design: Macromedia Dreamweaver 8: Levels 2 (2006)

    Prentice Hall
    Table of Contents:
    PDF, 60 KB
    Sample Chapter:
    Chapter 1 (PDF, 11.1 MB)
    Student Files:
    From PrenHall.com

    Essentials for Design: Macromedia Dreamweaver MX 2004: Level 1 (2005)

    Prentice Hall
    Table of Contents:
    HTML format
    Sample Chapter:
    Chapter 1 (PDF, 3.8 MB)
    Companion Web Site:
    Against The Clock
    Amazon.com, Chapters.ca, ISBN.nu
    I have received some gracious compliments about the Dreamweaver MX 2004 books.


    Page 320, Step #1:
    photoFrame should be photoThumbs

    Essentials for Design: Macromedia Dreamweaver MX 2004: Level 2 (2005)

    Prentice Hall
    Table of Contents:
    HTML format
    Amazon.com, Chapters.ca, ISBN.nu


    Page 210, Figure 5.3:
    The labels Outdent and Indent are reversed
    Page 263, If You Have Problems sidebar:
    The filename Template.dwt should be Basic.dwt
    Page 356, Step 7:
    The PHP code should end with ?>, not >?
    Page 384, Step 8:
    The border should be a Right border, not a Left border
    Page 401, Step 3 (Open a JavaScript Pop-Up Window):
    The image is found in the photos folder, not the photos album.

    Macromedia Dreamweaver MX: Creating Web Pages (2002)

    Against The Clock
    Table of Contents:
    PDF (65 KB)
    Companion Web Site:
    Against The Clock
    Amazon.com, Chapters.ca, ISBN.nu